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Main » 2011 » 12-р сар » 4 » Slang man
12:39 PM
Slang man

Slangman Chapters 1-5 Review of Reduced Forms


Chapter One


D + Y = J                                                        T + Y = CH

did you = did'ju or did'ja                                 let you = let'chu or let'cha

would you = would'ju or would'ja                  what you = what'chu or what'cha

could you = could'ju or could'ja                      don't you = don'chu or don'cha

should you = should'ju or should'ja                didn't you = didn'chu or didn'cha


Chapter Two


T is pronounced as D when it is between two vowels.

That's a great idea. = That's a gread idea.

What a great car! = What a great car.


T is not pronounced when it is between N and E.

center = cen'er

counted = coun'ed


The past tense form -ED is pronounced T after voiceless sounds, D after voiced sounds, and ID after T and D.


T                                             D                                             ID

talked                                       played                                      decided

dressed                                                ordered                                    wanted

wished                                     happened                                 needed


Chapter Three


Have reduces to AV or A in positive and negative phrases.

must have = must'av or must'a             must not have = mustn'av or mustn'a

would have = would'av or would'a                 would not have = wouldn'av or wouldn'a

could have = could'av or could'a                     could not have = couldn'av or couldn'a

should have = should'av or should'a                should not have = shouldn'av or shouldn'a


Chapter Four


AND and IN both reduce to N.

Karen and Steve are coming to visit. = Karen 'n Steve are coming to visit.

Tim is in Paris this week. = Tom is 'n Paris this week.


Chapter Five


TO is pronounced as TA after voiceless sounds and DA after voiced sounds.

She wants to invite us to the party. = She wants ta invite us ta the party.

I need to go to bed now. = I need da go da bed now.

Slangman Chapters 6-10 Review of Reduced Forms


Chapter Six


Going to is pronounced GONNA when it is used to show the future.  But it is never reduced when it means going from one place to another.


We're going to grab a bite to eat. = We're gonna grab a bite to eat.

I'm going to the office tonight. = I'm going to the office tonight.


Chapter Seven


Want to and want a are both pronounced WANNA and wants to and wants a are both pronounced WANTSA.


I want to go for a spin. = I wanna go for a spin.

Do you want a piece of cake? = Do you wanna piece of cake?

He wants to avoid rush hour. = He wansta avoid rush hour.

She wants a puppy for her birthday. = She wansta puppy for her birthday.


Chapter Eight


The h sound in the pronouns he, him, his, and her and the th sound in them are not pronounced in fast speech when they are unstressed; however, they are pronounced when they are stressed.


I think he flunked bio class. = I think 'e flunked bio class.

I told him to study more. = I told 'im to study more.

He got an A on his final. = He got an A on 'is final.

She thinks her teacher is crazy. = She thinks 'er teacher is crazy.

Pop quizzes... I hate them! = Pop quizzes... I hate 'em!


Chapter Nine


You is almost always pronounced YA, you're and your are pronounced YER, and yours is pronounced YERS.


Do you feel under the weather? = Do ya feel under the weather?

You're completely right. = Yer completely right.

Your brother will be fine. = Yer brother will be fine.

Is this book yours? = Is this book yers?


Chapter Ten


Have to is pronounced as HAFTA and has to is pronounced as HASTA.


Sorry, I have to leave now. = Sorry, I hafta leave now.

She has to go to work soon. = She hasta go to work soon.

Category: Бүтээмж | Views: 635 | Added by: kadar | Tags: contractions, SLanG | Rating: 0.0/0
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